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Friday, November 13, 2009

Islamic Fashion Festival at Malaysia International Fashion Week 2009

Its Malaysian International Fashion Week 7th November 2009

“She’s Hasna’”
Al- Hasna it’s described as Beauty/ Beautiful. Truly inspired by the women in the Eastern Mediterranean countries, this is a collection of 5 elegant caftans that is imaginative of the beauty of the Eastern Mediterranean women. Described as the personal style of Rico Rinaldi, this collection was overall made using  draping technique as it should define the loose silhouette of Islamic wear. Detailed with stones and crystals, this collection personified the handmade embellishments that are so representative of Rico Rinaldi style. Using the luxurious chiffon silk and satin silk added to the sheer, feminine and sophisticated look of the Hasna’.

This modest line for a change, was in itself a sort of diversion from his otherwise regular urban, modern and outlandishly detailed collection that so defines Rico Rinaldi.
Here are some of the pictures from the collection:

1st Hasna

 A rich blue satin silk - an evening Islamic robe. 

Crystallized stones with draped flower pattern as the details.   

 Netting turban with stones and crystals.
2nd Hasna

The most ordered robe.. 

Hand-sewed stones

 The Turban

3rd Hasna

 Worn by Anita Aziz- A caftan draped with cowl effect on the front and back.

Crystals on ruffles cuff.

Eastern Mediterranean turban inspired

 4th Hasna

Long sleeve evening Islamic robe.

Less is More..

Big crystals ball accessory-hand made.

and finally...

 Final piece..

 Hand sewed stones.

Details detailed..

I would like to thank all my friends especially to Alal, Carery and Abeed for helping me so much preparing "She's Hasna" from day 1 till the runway. Thank you to my beloved colleagues and ofcoz true love to my parents and brothers-sister!! She's Hasna will fly to Qatar next year, insyaalah....

More MiFW photos for "Commence" Collection 8th November 2009...upload soon..


  1. Loved your collections rico@!!!I pegi tgk tapi tak sempat jumpa u! hehe

  2. m lovin 'em!

    congrats rico 4being ranked by InTrend as one of d best 50 blogs in Malaysia!

    Malaysia boleh! :)

  3. thank u so much..keep supporting our local fashion scene =)



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